Improv Everywhere

Or “Who needs pants, anyway?”

I’m sort of torn between posting things that I love and have known about for a long time, and things that are new and topical.  Improv Everywhere is both.  They’re an amazing…”experience generation collective” is the best phrase I can come up with.  They create strange occurrences in the middle of everyday normal life–you may have heard about how they planted 16 agents in a mall food court and performed a Food Court Musical.  Or how they got a crowd of people to all dress in blue polo shirts and khaki pants and quietly infiltrate a Best Buy.  Or went all out to surprise a little league game with the Best Game Ever, including raving fans, a jumbotron, and the honest-to-god Goodyear blimp.  They’re pretty amazing.

This January, they are performing one of their largest missions–The No Pants! Subway Ride–and are extending it to have events not only in New York City, but in cities around the country and around the world.  If you’re interested in participating (in this or future missions), drop them a line or find your local group.  Even if going publicly pantsless is not your thing, check out Improv Everywhere–it’s bizarreness on a grand scale, and truly amazing.

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