Author: kbmartin

Every Time You Make A Powerpoint

This happens, although don’t click on that link unless you have some tolerance for dark humor. Well, I think it’s funny, and I also think Edward Tufte’s stand on PowerPoint is interesting (if not news at this point): Slideware may help speakers outline their talks, but convenience for the speaker can be punishing to both

The 100 Games Cupcakes… Game!

This is just a little piece of internet wonderfulness that was emailed to me by a friend.  The web page begins: Every year, we throw a big, game party to ring in the new year. This year (2010) is our house’s 100-year birthday, so we celebrated with cupcakes… …and the cupcakes were a game. Here


Generally we try to write some about why a post is interesting, but this one speaks for itself.  It looks like you could even use a regression to attach an inverse-exponential equation to it, or something. I would like to say that that moment in Star Trek 2, when Kirk screams “KHAN!” and then “the