Category: Science Fiction/Fantasy

Fandom & adaptations

So who’s seen Ender’s Game? Is it any good as a movie? Unrelated question: which, if any, parts of the feel & experience of the book does it get right? It’s funny, isn’t it, that those are unrelated questions? And movie reviews can only answer the second question when it’s obvious that the reviewer is

My errors

I owe Elisabeth a massive apology for some poorly considered writing of mine last winter. I’m really sorry: it was thoughtless of me not to ask you directly first. A standard apology probably would have sufficed had I given it when it came due, but that was seven months ago. And culpability, like Rumour, grows

Why to read, when not to read

The other month, a to-be-commended HRSFalum asked through HRSFANS-discuss for good books to bring on a long vacation, imposing only constraints that they be in-print (reasonably available) mass-market PBs. As one might expect, this generated an excellent recommendations list (which someone really ought to collate for the HRSFANS wiki—shoot, I volunteered again, didn’t I?), if

Tolkien academia for a popular audience

This Washington Post article discusses the story of a Tolkien scholar whose strategy of producing podcasts about Tolkien’s novels for public consumption seems to have won him some success in academia, not to mention a large online following. The hub of his online activities is a website called The Tolkien Professor, which includes the aforementioned

Vericon this weekend

Vericon is this weekend! Vericon is a science-fiction, fantasy, gaming, and anime convention featuring many events and distinguished guest speakers. It has been held annually at Harvard University since 2001. The tenth Vericon will take place on Friday-Sunday, March 19-21, 2010. The convention is sponsored by the Harvard-Radcliffe Science Fiction Association (HRSFA), an undergraduate student