This is your Boarding call…

The Executive Committee is going to be appointing the rest of the Board (an estimated 4 new members) within the next couple of weeks. If you would like to submit your name for consideration, please send us an email to that effect.

In serving on the Board, you will be accepting a substantial share of responsibility for the growth and flourishing of HRSFANS over the next three years, with the reward that…well, if everything goes well, HRSFANS will grow and flourish. There’s a great deal to be done, and since the first step will be to formulate a plan of action, we can’t yet be very specific about what exactly the job will entail (though the candidacy statements of the new Executive Board might provide a few clues). Almost certainly, it will involve initiating and engineering awesome activities via the internet and across the country. Just as almost certainly, it’ll involve endless discussion threads to read, ill-defined tasks to negotiate, colleagues not to strangle, and deadlines to scramble over. If the prospect of the former makes the latter seem worth it to you, please consider emailing us about joining the Board. If not, well… there should be plenty of chance to do awesome stuff with HRSFANS without serving on the Board. That being, after all, the object of the exercise.

***Note: Generally we’re looking for Board Members-At-Large, who may evolve impressive titles as responsibilities get parcelled out over time. But also, in particular, we’re looking for a new Webmaster. Since HRSFANS is going to be relying heavily upon the internet’s capacity to facilitate networking and socializing from afar, this position is especially critical, and will require both dedication and technical expertise. Please let us know if you’re interested.

We want to move along with Board selection, so if you’re interested, please let us know by SUNDAY, APRIL 13. If you could include a brief statement about why you’d like to serve on the board, etc., that would be spiffy.
