March 29, 2008
Look, a website!
Content from the old ugly page has been mostly recreated here. Further formatting tweaks will continue in the next few days.
One Comment
Content from the old ugly page has been mostly recreated here. Further formatting tweaks will continue in the next few days.
There was an election.
The new and democratically-elected HRSFANS Board Executive Committee consists of Tom Lotze ’01 (President), Elisabeth Cohen ’06 (Secretary) and Kevin Gold ’01 (Treasurer). The Acting Board is now effectively dissolved (An Acting President Emeritus Is Me!). Tom, Elisabeth and kgold are currently working out the delegation of administrative responsibilities in the new regime. The website will be formally updated Real Soon Now.
Meanwhile, if you want to put your name forth as someone who would want to join the Board, please click the “Contact Us” link. If you want to get involved in the “What will HRSFANS be doing in the near future?” discussion, please email the same and I’ll add you to the HRSFANS-future mailing list.
It was my pleasure to seize power for a bit. My best to the new Executive Committee.